Indigo-E.T. Connection Page 2
At this point, a genius child of the past would most likely crawl on his or her belly right up to the edge. Without risking the possibility of being knocked over the edge by a gust of wind or uncertain footing, the genius child of the past would be able to view the entire panorama as no other could.
Then there is the Indigo Child. Like the sure-footed Mohawk Indian ironworkers who built the steel skeleton of the Empire State Building at dizzying heights, the Indigo Child will walk straight up to the edge with a knowing smile and, standing upright and proud, will view the entire panorama as no other could.
While most of us may not be able to see this natural ability of Indigo children, extraterrestrial races more advanced than ourselves certainly will. How will they do it? Think of it this way: Olympic coaches watch young aspiring athletes and rely upon their experience to look past amateurish stumbles, fumbles and bumbles and, through knowing eyes, see the child's true abilities as clear as the first light of day.
Those who truly understand will truly see-but what will extraterrestrial races see in the Indigo Children? Perhaps a small and easily identifiable reflection of themselves, which begs the question-what is the Indigo-E.T. Connection? The first step in answering that question is through an attempt to understand the true essence of the Indigo phenomena-not from the non-Indigo authors who dominate the popular literature of the topic, but rather, through the musings of an older Indigo who has considered long and hard from whence he came.
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The How and Why of Indigos
What is an Indigo Child? How long have Indigos been around? How many are alive today? Before we tackle the numbers, let's take a moment to create a mental picture.
Imagine a lush meadow with high grasses. Each year you see a few scattered buttercups appearing here and there amongst the predominant grasses and looming sunflowers, mostly because you make the effort to see them. Then one year, you happen to see a few more buttercups, and then more the next, and so on, until finally one year there is a huge patch of buttercups in the middle of the meadow. Right where everyone can see them, so that even a simpleton can see them.
Now ask yourself, how long have there been buttercups in the field? From the first time you looked for them, happened to notice them, or from the very moment the meadow became capable of sustaining life?
With this analogy in mind, let's now look at some hard data.
How Many Indigos Are Alive Today
As of 2003, we learned that over 6.3 billion humans are now walking the Earth each day, and this number will continue to grow to somewhere between 8-12 billion souls by the end of the 21st century, (that is if our biosphere doesn't fold under the pressure first). Simply put, more people are alive than ever before. What this means is that there is a huge statistical push in the population.
As I mentioned in the Foreword to this book, there is only one eligibility requirement for joining Mensa—an IQ that puts you in the top 2 percent of the population. With this requirement in mind, let's see how many eligible Mensans have been alive at various times during the recorded history of humankind.
1 A.D.
Global Population: 150 million
Eligible Mensans: 3 million
Global Population: 300 million
Eligible Mensans: 6 million
Global Population: 600 million
Eligible Mensans: 12 million
Global Population: 900 million
Eligible Mensans: 18 million
Global Population: 1.6 billion
Eligible Mensans: 32 million
* * *
Global Population: 2.4 billion
Eligible Mensans: 48 million
Global Population: 5.0 billion
Eligible Mensans: 100 million
Global Population: 6.3 billion
Eligible Mensans: 126 million
Here are some interesting facts. Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill and Dr. Lance Ware, at a time when the top 2 percent of the world's population was greater than 45 million people; just a few million short of the entire population of present-day South Korea. Since Mensa was formed, the world population has more than doubled!
So let's assume for the sake of argument that there are 100 million Mensa-eligible people alive today, and that only 2 percent of them are Indigos. That would mean that there could be as many (or as few) as 2 million Indigos alive in the world today, but how many Indigo Children does it really take to make a difference in the destiny of humankind?
Well, it only took one Socrates, one Jesus, one Galileo, one Curie, one Freud, one Rand, and only one Einstein, just to mention a few. Who is to say that these distinguished and influential men and women were not, in fact, Indigos?
If the question frightens you, feel free to scoff at it with a bucketful of knee-jerk ignorance and fear. However, if it piques your curiosity, let's move on to the next big question. How long have Indigos been around?
When Did Indigos First Appear?
The most interesting question for true Indigos is, How long have Indigos been around? Regrettably, non-Indigos seem to be more certain of this than Indigos, and the popular literature and scientific publications regarding Indigo Children and Crystal Children estimate that Indigos have only been around for the last 40 to 100 years.
If anything, the previous section showed these prevailing estimates all share a common human failing. History began the day I was born, and those with vested interests in the debate intend to keep it that way.
However, the real pity of these short-term estimates is that they stifle interest in understanding the ancient history of the Indigo. This is nothing new. Just ask Michael A. Cremo, author of the controversial bestsellers, Forbidden Archeology and Human Devolution. His collective works present a phenomenal and beautifully documented collection of science facts, one of which is that archeologists have uncovered sophisticated artifacts that are 2 billion years old-artifacts that could only have been made by the hand of modern man, or a close facsimile thereof.
So why hasn't this information appeared on the nightly news? It was immediately crushed. The scientists lost their funding and were discredited without an independent peer review of their work, and this is an all-too-often occurring pattern in science.
What many fail to realize, is that modern science is no longer about the pursuit of truth. It is about the pursuit of funding, and any idea that threatens well-funded, politically correct theories is destroyed, along with a few promising careers. Then there is the intentional white washing that goes on as well.
For example, it is common knowledge that Nobel Laureates Marie and Pierre Curie opened up the science of radioactivity around the turn of the last century. However, what has been drummed out of the history books by our high priests of science is that they spent far more time with paranormal research, much of which was equally groundbreaking.
Also keep in mind that the only reason why the book, The Origin of Species, published by Charles Darwin in 1859 ever survived the scientific peer review process is that Darwin and his publisher simply sidestepped the peer review process altogether. Had he not done that, creationism would still reign supreme. However, this is not to say that Darwin was entirely right, either.
Approximately sixty-five years ago a Latina-American in her late teens was visiting her relatives in a small rural village 100 miles southwest of Chihuahua, Mexico. Being an inquisitive girl, she began exploring the area's numerous caves and mine tunnels. At the back of a deserted mine tunnel, she found a complete human skeleton lying in a shallow grave, and below it she found smaller, malformed skeleton. She returned to America with both of the skulls, which where passed along to an American man upon her death. He in turn passed them on to another American couple and they made the skulls available to paranormal researcher Lloyd Pye for DNA examination.
One of the
skulls is clearly human. The other is alien and it has been called the Starchild skull, although it has been estimated the being was approximately twenty-five years old at the time of death. What is interesting about the Starchild skull is that the bone matter is much lighter than human bone, yet far more durable. The jaws contain three rows of teeth, and while the average brain volume for a human is 1400 cubic centimeters (cc), the brain volume of the Starchild skull is 1600 cc. This is important because paleoanthropologists use a 200 cc increase in human type brain capacity as a basis for naming of an entirely new species.
These few facts about the Starchild skull are only the tip of the iceberg and reveals how science has responded. According to Lloyd Pye, all of the laboratories in the world with the necessary equipment and skills to perform a conclusive DNA analysis of the skull have patently refused to even consider testing, even though he has offered to pay them handsomely for their efforts. None is seems, wish to incur the wrath of the well-funded high priests of science.
The simple fact is that we as a society are utterly terrified by the prospect of an honest answer to the question, Who are we? That answer could undermine our entire materialistic notions of the world, and while that would be liberating for the common man, it would certainly threaten the grip of power held upon the common man for the benefit of the few and the mighty.
Perhaps then, the answer can be found in the manner in which humankind evolves as we are most unique in this manner when compared with the other species of our planet. As Darwin rightly pointed out, species evolve in response to changes in their environment. As breeding and feeding grounds change, species either adapt or perish. Given that any species has about a one in a hundred chance of avoiding extinction, this no simple trick.
However, what is interesting to note about humankind is that we not only evolve in response to changes in our environment, we also evolve in response to our own sociological and technological changes. Could this be the reason why modern science has such a fear of doing a proper study of the Starchild skull?
Think of it. If modern science were to say, We are the aliens, because we are a bio-engineered race imbued with alien DNA, the reaction, on the whole, would be anything other than celebratory. As the news pundits talk about something new of which they know little, those who hold the reins of power would simply make quick work of their careers and financial prospects of the offenders and business would soon get back to normal.
So then, how can we ever hope to clearly identify when Indigos first came into being if we as a society are so preoccupied with the hysterical suppression of the question Who are we? ?
One could argue that perhaps Indigos are recently awakened decedents of the Nefilim of the Planet Nibiru, spoken of in the ancient Sumerian texts as translated by Zecharia Sitchin. Or, perhaps Indigos are partial decendents of the Starchild race. Obviously the conjecture could go on forever, and at many levels. That is why this author advocates a much simpler theory of the evolutionary origins of the Indigos that goes straight back to the source of all life-human evolution
How Did Nature Create the Indigos?
The fossil layers of our own planet tell us an ancient story. Evolution on this planet does not happen in a slow, incremental, predicable Darwin-like process. Rather, it has largely been shaped by catastrophic impact events such as the Chicxulub Impact event that ended the rule of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago. Astronomers tell us these impact events always follow a consistent pattern, where long periods of benign quiescence are violently punctuated by a catastrophic impact event.
When can we expect these impacts to happen? An ancient text called the Kolbrin was recovered from the Glastonbury Abbey in England after it had been set ablaze in the 12th century. According to Kolbrin researcher Steve Russell, this ancient manuscript tells us is that destroyers (asteroids and comets) usually strike the Earth some time after we've allowed a long period of quiescence to lull us into a false sense of security, and completely forget that they do come.
When these destroyers do impact our Earth, many species that happen to survive the sheer physical torments of the event itself will not survive past another generation or two, unless they already possess a genetic predisposition that will enable them to survive and repopulate. In some cases, that genetic predisposition is active when the catastrophe occurs, perhaps newly awakened, and in others, dormant until forced into an active state by a catastrophic impact event.
So then, where could this genetic predisposition possibly be found and identified within the genome of any given species, but of more interest, our own?
Perhaps this genetic mystery, along with many others, resides in what molecular biologists commonly call Junk DNA, a term that is proving to be an egotistical pejorative for what is properly defined as non-coding DNA.
In June 2000, history was made. The U.S. Human Genome Project released a working draft of the entire human genome sequence and the implications were profound. All of the approximately 30,000 genes in human DNA had now been identified. However, the bulk of the discovery was focused on those genes responsible for the bodily structures (the structural genes), which are the simplest part of the system. (Aha, this is a liver. Aha, that's a lung. Let's make some expensive drugs and cash in!)
Now here is the kicker. All of these 30,000 genes represent approximately 5 percent of all known human DNA! So what about non-coding or Junk DNA that makes up the other 95 percent of what makes us sentient beings?
Genetic Gridlock
Imagine that you've just arrived at the outskirts of Los Angeles county and the only road map available to you was printed in 1904. Undoubtedly, many of those roads will still be there, but what about all the streets, roads, and freeways that do not appear on your 1904 road map? Are they Junk Roads? If you are the typical well-funded molecular biologist, this is what you call them. This is because you do not want to explore them until you find a way to do OPM (Other People's Money) science with them.
Interestingly enough, there are real scientists out there willing to explore the connections between the small number of roadways (using our 1904 road map analogy), and the vast numbers of new and perpetually gridlocked roadways which now crisscross Los Angeles county. What they're finding is stunning!
The supposed Junk DNA ( non-coding DNA ) has regulatory roles, and does influence the behaviors of coding DNA, and in very significant ways. They also found that without a clear understanding of how non-coding DNA can regulate the behaviors of coding DNA, it is completely impossible to foresee and control the effect of artificial insertion of foreign genes.
This should at least give us pause to consider that non-coding DNA, which represents 95 percent of everything that makes us tick, is such a great unknown. Nor should we really be calling it Junk DNA given that we now understand it to be the unseen power behind the throne of human evolution. Before we blithely implant foreign genes, we should look before we leap. However, unless the mainstream makes it an issue, scientists and the people who fund them will decide the matter for us. Moralizing aside, let's move on to the most relevant issue at hand.
The answer to what creates Indigos is most certainly to be found in the non-coding DNA along with any other wondrous genetic inheritances we've even yet to imagine. Perhaps, just perhaps, a non-coding Indigo DNA has been somehow activated on a global scale within the last century and more Indigo Children than ever before are standing up now in the manner of the character Paul Atreides, from the 1984 science fiction movie Dune, and proclaiming: Father ... father, the sleeper has awakened!
Who (or What) Created Indigos and Why?
Up to now, we have been searching for the source of Indigo phenomena, but where do we end our search for this source? Or, where shall we begin the end of our backward search in time?
According to Nibiru research, translator and author Zecharia Sitchin, a planet called Nibiru passes through the core of our solar system every 3600 years. Ancient Sumerian texts tell us that each time it appeared, the inhabitants of
Earth rejoiced, because Nibiru was considered to be a harbinger of social and technological advancement. Perhaps this is because we are, in part, descendents of the races that visited our planet from Nibiru. One such appearance is said to have caused Noah's Flood as described in the Hebrew Bible.
While there is a great deal of interest (and debate) regarding Sitchin's considerable works, let's go even further back in time as we seek the source of all sentient life in our cosmos as well as the Indigo phenomena.
In 1927, a Belgian priest by the name of Georges Lematre first proposed that the universe began with the explosion of a primeval atom. This led to what we now know as the Big Bang theory, which stipulates that the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter in all directions.
Given that recent discoveries seem to contradict basic tenets of this theory, proving it one way or the other with certainty will likely not happen in our lifetimes. It nonetheless became a dominant scientific theory when Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson won the Nobel Prize in 1964 for their discoveries in support of the theory.
One interesting aspect of the Big Bang theory is that it deals a heavier blow to the position held by Creationists that Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible, says it all. Still, the blow is born of just seven words: God created man in his own image. (Genesis 1:27)
In his controversial book, Biocosm, science author James Gardner forces us to examine the question: Did God create the Big Bang, or did the Big Bang create God? The reason why this is a valid question is that man, a carbon-based life form, was-as Genesis clearly states-created in the image of his maker. However, the Big Bang did not create carbon-the basic building block of the human body. Rather, carbon is only created when a star dies, which means that carbon did not come into existence until long after the Big Bang happened.